“Welcome to the digital home of “Tabitha of the Marsh” from the Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult – a wonderful NFT-Project that was introduced in 2021 by really creative minds somewhere in the midst of a digitale metaverse yet to come.
You can find the NFT footprint either at or in the Book of Lore or on Etherscan.
Tabitha: “But where do I really come from? To be honest…. I do not know yet. The whole thing is a little fishy for me. Somehow I woke up consciously on June 20th 2021 here in this strange, yet exciting pixelated world of “Forgotten Runes”, and it seems there are other wizards around as well, as I am connected to some of them through a thing called “Twitter“. But that is all that I know. I do have a strong feeling however, that there is more, much more to my existence. Something that I yet have to figure out.
It’s a good thing that I seem to be a witch. So I will find the means to find out who I really am and where I come from.
And luckily, when I came to be there was a peyote (no clue what to do with it yet) and a gray and pink rat with me. The name of the rat seems to be “Blimpy” (says on the name tag) and I am sure there is a fascinating story to be found how we got togehter. Well, for the time being – just follow me on twitter or read the lore on this site and we will see where it is all heading”